Cure Paralysis Naturally

How to Cure Paralysis  Naturally at Home.

how to cure paralysis, paralysis treatment

how to cure paralysis, paralysis treatment
Cure from Paralysis

What is Paralysis?

  Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both side of your body. It can also occur in just one area, or it can be widespread. 

   Paralysis of the lower half of your body, including both legs, is called paraplegia. Paralysis of the arms and legs is quadriplegia. Most of the paralysis is due to strokes or injuries such as spinal cord injury or a broken neck. It is a condition involving a loss of muscle function in the body that may be accompanied by sensory loss, also referred to as loss of feeling.

Other causes of paralysis include

➤Cerebral palsy 
➤Parkinson's disease

Symptoms of Paralysis?

The symptoms of paralysis are usually easy to identify. If you experience paralysis, you'll be lost function in the specific or widespread area of your body. Sometimes a tingling or numbing sensation can occur before total paralysis sets in. It will also make it difficult or impossible to control muscles in the affected body parts.

Types of Paralysis?

➤Monoplegia, which affects only one arm or leg
➤Hemiplegia, which affects one arm and one leg on the same side of your body 
➤Paraplegia, which affects both of your legs
➤Quadriplegia or tetraplegia, which affects both of your arms and both of your legs.

Facts & Figures

Given the current U.S. Pollution size of 327 million people, a recent estimate showed that the annual incidence of spinal cord injury is approximately 54 cases per one million people in the United States or about 17700 new cases each year. The average age at injury has increased from 29 years during the 1970s to 43 years currently. About 78% of spinal cord injury is male.

Treatment of Paralysis

   Today we talk about the treatment of paralysis, it is a chronic disorder very tough health problem. It's as bad as bad that it can mess anyone happy life. Let first know what is paralysis? whenever in our brain a blood vessel supplying a  blood to our brain get blockage & that particular part of brain don't get proper blood supply so that part of brain stop working & another part of our body connected to that part of brain also stops working, because our brain stops sending signal to that part of our body, this is called paralysis.

   In this particular problem anyone can cure, if you take immediate treatment on blood coat of which this thing happen, by this way we can save persons life. Very soon you gets in a normal condition.

    So today we know how to cure paralysis with the help of sujok therapy acupressure treatment, so we know that important acupressure point is there for paralysis. This point is situated in our hand it's between middle finger & ring finger (see in an image below), this point is situated in our both hands.
paralysis treatment, cure paralysis naturally
OR-3 Point
paralysis treatment, cure paralysis naturally

OR-3 Point
    For acupressure therapy treatment we need chakra magnet (it looks yellow from one side & white form another side) (see in an image below) & paper Tape (see in an image below), use only sold at a medical store don't use plastic tape or any other type of tape.
paralysis can be cure, paralysis causes
Chakra Magnet
paralysis can be cure, paralysis causes
Paper Tape

   The name of this point is OR-3 (Organ Degeneration-3), according to acupressure treatment we have to do sedation on that particular point. Take paper tape & make a cross (+) like this, middle white part & outer yellow part side of the magnet will touch the acupressure point OR-3 in our hand  & middle yellow part & outer white part of the magnet will stick with paper tape. You have to do this in both hands.

    You have to keep 8-10 hours, it's better to do in an night before sleeping, so you get treatment whole night. In morning throw paper tape & stick both magnets in a opposite direction so they charge automatically & ready for next day treatment. During treatment just take care that your hand doesn't get wet in water otherwise the power of magnet will get over.

   After doing this treatment you see the result & you get relief soon & clot made in your brain dissolve slowly-slowly & a person suffering from paralysis gets in her normal condition. This acupressure point is also very helpful in Brain Tumor treatment.


   Sujok acupressure therapy is a natural treatment, a person of any age group can do this. It is very cost effective treatment with no side effects. You don't have to a high dose of medicine which is beneficial both of your body & for your financial condition. You can do this treatment at the comfort of your home. So try once & also suggests to a person whom you know & suffering from this problem for a long time it will be helpful to them.   

Arthritis (Osteoarthritis) - Cure By Natural Way 

Some new research on Paralysis

Although paralysis is the most noticeable result of spinal cord injury, a new study by researchers suggest such injuries could  throw off the internal clock of the entire body's daily activities from hormones to sleep-wake schedules.

   The spinal cord helps transfer information between the body and brain, controlling functions such as movement, sensation and autonomic functions, but new findings, show it also plays a heavy hand in the circadian system-- the body's master clock that regulates the 24-hour rhythms of every cell in the body. Open the door for early recovery tactics to preserve a patient's overall well-being despite injury. 

   Millions of people worldwide are living with chronic spinal cord injuries, with 250,000 to 50,000 new cases, each year- most from vehicle crashes or falls. The most severe spinal cord injuries completely paralyze their victims and more than half impair a person's ability to breathe. Now, a breakthrough study in animal models of chronic injury, that long-term, devastating effects of spinal cord trauma on breathing and limb function may be reversible.

 The new study describes a treatment regimen that helps reawaken certain special types of nerve cells that can regenerate extensions, called axons, within the damaged spinal cord. Rats with spinal cords half severed at the second cervical vertebrae regained complete diaphragm and partial forelimb function on the severed side after treatment. The recuperative effects of the therapy were fully maintained six months after treatment end.

 In animals treated immediately after spinal cord injury, the enzyme only marginally helped restore nerve growth with minimal functional recovery. However, in animals treated long after injury, the therapeutic effects of the enzyme were remarkably better. In a little as one week after treatment in chronically injured rats, new nerve extensions began to restore diaphragm function that had been silent for many months. Seventy percent of rats treated with enzyme chronically, also began to use their forelimbs to move about and explore their environment.



Cure Paralysis Naturally Cure Paralysis Naturally Reviewed by onehealthonelifes on December 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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