How to Cure Diabetes

How to Cure Diabetes at Home

how to cure diabetes,cure diabetes naturally

Hello Friends,

    Diabetes is a chronic disease, which occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body can't effectively use the insulin it produces. This leads to an increased concentration of glucose in the blood.

   Type 1 Diabetes known as insulin is characterized by a lack of insulin production & Type 2 diabetes known as non-insulin is caused by the body's ineffective use of insulin. It often results from excess body weight & physical inactivity.

   Diabetes is a growing challenge in India & other parts of the world. In India only it is estimated that about 8.7%  diabetes population in the age group of 20 to 70 years. Rapid urbanization, sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, tobacco & increasing life expectancy.

   India currently represents 49 percent of the world's diabetes patients with an estimated 72 million cases in 2017, a figure expected to almost double to 134 million by 2025. This presents a serious public health challenge to a country. Diabetes prevalence has increased by 64% across India over the quarter century according to report of India council for medical research in Nov-2017.

Some Facts about Diabetes:-

1) Diabetes prevalence has been rising more rapidly in middle & low-income countries.
2) The global prevalence of diabetes among adults over 18 years of age has risen.     
3) Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks & stroke.
4) In 2016, an estimated 1.6 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes. Another 2.2 million deaths were attributed to high blood glucose or by diabetes.

   Acupressure has been confirmed by the researchers as the effect was of treating a diabetic condition. The subjects treated with these therapies have shown improvement or positive response. The conventional medical philosophy focuses on the restoration of positive energy so that the overall health can in improved. 

   In all types of diabetes acupressure therapy proves helpful, acupressure points will help you manage diabetes symptoms by managing the metabolic process & maintaining the insulin level. Mild pressure on acupressure points along with proper diet & exercise improves metabolism and insulin levels.

    So, Friends, are you suffering from diabetes, generally, there are two main types of diabetes, Mellitus (Madhu Meh) & Insipidus (Mutra Meh). In Insipidus (Mutra Meh) diabetes patients contently have to go to the bathroom & also patients get very thirsty for water, every time feels thirsty for water & feeling very dry & often have to go to the bathroom. In Mellitus diabetes sugar also come with urine.

   If you have any of the above type of diabetes there a treatment in acupressure therapy, this treatment you can do at the comfort of your home, it is a very cheap treatment. You don't have to take any high dose of medicine & there is no side effect of this.

Acupressure Point No.01

      This acupressure point is in our both hands & legs. First we know about acupressure point which in our hand, middle finger- upper joint right on the tip of the finger, this point name is (Slim-3)SP-3 (see in picture below) its in left hand & in right-hand same middle finger-upper joint right on the top of finger, this point name is (Pancreas-3) PN-3 (see in picture below).
how to cure diabetes,diabetes

how to cure diabetes, cure diabetes at home
     For acupressure treatment, we need Fenugreek Seed (Meethi Ka Dana) & Paper Tape. Fenugreek seed is available in most of our kitchen. Use only paper tape which is sold in a medical store. Don't use cello tape or any other tape like electrical tape. Stimulate Fenugreek seed at acupressure point SP-3 & PN-3 with the help of paper tape. You have to do this treatment for 8-10 hours. It is advisable to do in a night before sleeping & in the morning remove paper tape & Fenugreek seed throw them in a dustbin. Next time use new Fenugreek seed & paper tape. You have to do this for many days depending upon your condition.
how to cure diabetes,diabetes treatment
Fenugreek Seed
how to cure diabetes,daibetes treatment
Paper Tape
In diabetes, it is a chronic disorder so we have to do special treatment. We have to do Sujok therapy treatment & Classical therapy treatment. Next acupressure point is in your leg, according to Sujok therapy point are in our hand, but according to classical therapy, acupressure point are in our leg.

Acupressure Point No.02

   In our leg acupressure point is situated in a thumb, thumb second joint slightly below, in right leg point called PN-3 (see image below) & left leg point called SP-3 (see image below). For this treatment, we need chakra Magnet (See image below) & Paper Tape. chakra magnet will look yellow from one side & white from another side.
how to cure diabetes,madhu meh
how to cure diabetes,madhu meh

how to cure diabetes,cure diabetes from home
Chakra Magnet

   We have to do sedation on this point, so here we don't use Fenugreek seed & we only use chakra magnet.we have to make cross of paper tape & stick magnet on that, Outer Yellow side & inner white side of magnet will touch the acupressure point PN-3 & SP-3 in our leg, white part of magnet will stick with paper tape. We have to do this on both points of our leg PN-3 & SP-3. You have to do this treatment for 8-10 hours.In next day remove paper & stick both magnets in the opposite direction they will charge automatically because the magnet will not expire, the next day they are ready for your treatment, change the paper tape every day.

   Diabetes is a chronic disorder so do Fenugreek acupressure therapy in hand & chakra magnet acupressure therapy the in legs as more hours as possible. For the cure of diabetes, it takes time but you get results. So try today it is very less expensive & you can do at the comfort of your home. A patient of any age group can do this. 

    Conclusion: Diabetes is a chronic disorder, its effect on our whole body from head to leg. A person suffering from this have to suffer from many things, have to leave many of his favorite food items, also not have to drink tea & many more. By doing acupressure therapy regularly for many days you can cure diabetes. 

 Important Consideration:- Consult of an expert is crucial before you decide to go on with the acupressure therapy. Most of the physicians will rule out possibilities of side effects from the therapy, but experts consent will help you keep health concerns at bay.  

How to Cure Diabetes How to Cure Diabetes Reviewed by onehealthonelifes on December 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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