How to cure cervical spondylosis-spondylitis

How to Cure Cervical Spondylitis/Spondylosis at Home.

how to cure spondylitis,how to cure cervical spondylitis
Cervical Spondylitis

First, we know What is Spondylitis?

Spondylitis affects the spinal column. It can be inflammation and stiffness between your vertebrae the bones of the neck, spin & lower back and pelvis. Spondylitis can also attack ligaments that connect muscles to bones and other connective tissues.

What is Cervical Spondylitis?

Cervical spondylitis is a common, age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in your cervical spine. Which is in your neck. It's also known as cervical osteoarthritis. It develops from the wear and tear of cartilage and bones. While it's largely the result of age, it can be caused by other factors as well.

Cervical Spondylitis Risk Factors

 The greatest risk factor for cervical spondylosis is aging. Cervical spondylosis often develops as a result of changes in your neck joints as you age. Disc herniation, dehydration, and bone spurs are all results of aging.

Factors other then aging can increase your risk of cervical spondylosis areas:-
neck injuries
➤work-related activities that put extra strain on your neck from heavy lifting
➤holding your neck in an uncomfortable position for prolonged periods of time or repeating the same neck movements throughout the day
➤genetic factors (family history)
➤being overweight and inactive 

Symptoms of cervical spondylosis

Most people with cervical spondylosis don't have significant symptoms. If symptoms do occur, they can range from mild to severe and may develop gradually or occur suddenly.

One common symptom is pain around the shoulder blade. Some complaint of pain along the arm and in the fingers/. The pain might increase when: 

➤tilting your neck backward

Another common symptom is muscle weakness. Muscle weakness makes it hard to lift the arms or grasp objects firmly. 

Other common signs include:

➤a stiff neck that became worse
➤headaches that mostly occur in the back of the head
➤tingling or numbness that mainly affects the shoulders and arms, although it can also occur in the legs

     Symptoms that occur less frequently often include a loss of balance and loss of bladder or bowel control. These symptoms warrant immediate medical attention.

     In cervical Spondylitis & spondylolysis, one is an acute disorder and another is tonic. One method from that you know that you have spondylosis or spondylitis. If feeling pain in the neck from few days & your neck becomes red, you have bloat in your neck & also have swelling in your neck that we called cervical spondylitis.

    In cervical spondylosis, your legs gets numb because of degeneration of a nerve present in your neck. It's takes more time to cure but it can cure. In one energy get low there we have to increase energy & in another energy gets high there we have to decrease the energy.

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        In spondylitis we have to do Sujok acupressure therapy treatment, in that we have to do sedation because there energy gets increase we to decrease the energy. For that the acupressure point in our hand. It's between ring finger & middle finger, you find a gap between this two-finger this point is situated (see in an image below). This point name is ND-2 (Nerve Degeneration-2), this point is present in our both hand. To check this point, just press in a left or right hand on which side you have a pain in your neck, you feel pain in your hand when you press on that particular point. 
how to cure spondylitis, cure spondylitis naturally
how to cure spondylitis, spondylosis cure

    For treatment of this, we need byol magnet its looks yellow from one side & white from another side (see in a image below) & paper tape (see in a image below). Use only paper tape sold at a medical store, don't use plastic tape or any other type of tape. 
how to cure spondylitis, spondylitis treatment
Byol Magnet
spondylosis cure
Paper Tape

   You have to do sedation on that point, white part of a magnet will touch the acupressure point ND-2 in our hand & yellow part of a magnet will stick with paper tape. We have to do this in both hands, we have to keep for 8-10 hours. It is advisable to do in the night before sleeping. In morning throw paper tape & joint both magnet in opposite direction, they get charged for next day treatment. Magnet don't get expire.

   In spondylosis, energy is decreased in our body we have to increase that. For that also we need byol magnet & paper tape. In this treatment is opposite as we do in spondylitis. We have to do tonification on acupressure point in our hand.

    The yellow part of a magnet will touch the acupressure point ND-2 which is in our hand & white part of a magnet will stick with paper tape. This point is in our both hand, we have to keep for 8-10 hours. It is advisable to do in the night before sleeping. In morning throw paper tape & joint both magnet in opposite direction, they get charged for next day treatment. Magnet doesn't get expire.

   When you apply magnet on acupressure very soon you feel relief in your pain, especially in neck pain its get slowly-slowly disappear. This is a very easy way to cure spondylitis & spondylosis at the comfort of your home. It is also very cost effective compared to the high dose of medicine which is too expensive. There is also no side effects of this treatment. A person of any age group can do this treatment. So try this treatment once & suggest to a person whom you know and suffering from this disorder.

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Conclusion:- Spondylitis & Spondylosis are a chronic disorder, it generally starts after the age of  35 to 60. Many types of treatment are there for this disorder. But acupressure therapy is one of the oldest methods to cure your disorder. It takes time to cure but give result without any harm to others parts of the body. 


How to cure cervical spondylosis-spondylitis How to cure cervical spondylosis-spondylitis Reviewed by onehealthonelifes on December 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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