Arthritis (Osteoarthritis) - Cure By Natural Way

                                   Arthritis - Osteoarthritis Cure At Home

how to cure arthritis, how to cure osteoarthritis

Hello Friends,                                                                

  In Today's World more the 30% of world population suffer from Various Type of Arthritis in that 70% of patients are in India, whether it is Rheumatoid, Osteoarthritis & many more.

 Today i can share with you a natural way to cure Osteoarthritis without spending a single rupees or not taking any expensive medicine.

   A person having osteoarthritis since last few years or month for that Limestone is only sufficient to give relief & cure from that.

 *  Limestone

how to cure arthritis, cure arthritis naturally

  A) Method

  1) Take limestone in a size of single wheat
  2) Take one cup of curd

    Mix limestone with curd & take in morning, do this regularly for 6-12 months you see the results.

   B)  Method

    1) Take limestone in a size of single wheat
    2) Take one glass of hot water.

    Mix limestone with hot water & take in morning, do this regularly for 6-12 months you see the results.

  * Fenugreek

how to cure arthritis, cure arthritis naturally
Fenugreek Seed

     Fenugreek (Metthi ka Dana) is also one of the best medicine for all types of arthritis.

    A) Method

         Take 1 Spoon of Fenugreek seed put in glass full on water in night, when you woke up in morning before brushing drink that water & after that chew all seed of Fenugreek. Do this for 3-6 months you see the results.

How to Cure Arthritis Permanently/ Cure thro Acupressure Therapy

  * Night Jasmin (Parijaat Plant)

how to cure arthritis, how to cure osteoarthritis naturally
Night Jasmin

     If you have osteoarthritis for 10 to 20 years and not getting any relief by taking heavy medicines also, just try the method showing below, sure you will get relief soon.

  The Plant image show above is helpful in that its called "Nyctanthes Arbor-Trista (Parijatt) or Harsingaar. This plant have white color Flower which grow in night also. But you don't have to take that flower, you only have to take its leaves, image shown in above. 

  A) Method

    Take 4-5 leaves of Parijatt leaves & make paste of it. Then take that paste & boil with water. Put that mixture for a night & take in morning before brushing or before eating anything. Remember make this mixture in night if possible it is good. Do this things for 3 months & take break for few days, after then take for 3 months. In most of Cases patients get relief only in 1-2 months. 

 * Conclusion:-

    Above Method  describe above are proven & helps lots of people to get relief  & get out from Osteoarthritis. Any of above method not harmful to your body. Just try once you will see the results, i recommended to many & they see results in few months.

Arthritis (Osteoarthritis) - Cure By Natural Way Arthritis (Osteoarthritis) - Cure By Natural Way Reviewed by onehealthonelifes on October 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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